[NBLUG/talk] Neat command line tricks

Jeremy Turner jeremy at linuxwebguy.com
Wed Jul 9 09:58:01 PDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 11:26, Kevin Bingham wrote:
> Does anybody else have similar neat tricks?

I really like a colorful bash prompt, but I hate escaping everything
with \[\033[30;m... etc etc.  I created the attached file which has some
color vars.  My PS1 var looks like this:

PS1="$cyan\@ $yellow\u$white@$ltpurple\h$white:\
$green\w$white"'\$'"$clear "

Which makes my prompt look like this:

09:42am jeremy at athlonxp:~$ 
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ 
cyan    yellow ltpurple green

and the @, :, and $ (or #) are in white.

However I get a very strange side effect.  When I type in two
characters, the line wraps back around and over the prompt.  Then when
up-arrowing through the history, it totally munges up the line.  Anyone
have any ideas?

Jeremy Turner <jeremy at linuxwebguy.com>
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