[NBLUG/talk] Which backup software?

Walter Hansen gandalf at sonic.net
Fri Sep 5 11:43:01 PDT 2003

   Very nice. You can probably tell that I'm not big on win servers so no
that's not a major importance. My current job only has one win server
and it's not really even that. When I get some budget to get some tapes
I think I'll set up amanda to do backups for everything on 20gig tapes.
At the store I have only a linux server and it would be nice to backup
the win boxes from it. I'm working on hooking up a SCSI 8mm tape drive
right now, couldn't get a floppy style tape drive to work (ftape is
much odd pain in neck).


> On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 09:45:18AM -0700, Walter Hansen wrote:
>> go. I think their even working on having it capable of backing up win
>> boxes remotely. I haven't played with it yet though.
> I'm not using it, but it can back up windows boxes remotely via the SMB
> protocol.  This means it can only backup files, it can't backup the
> windows "system state" or reliably backup any kind of database.
> In other words, if the servers are all *nix and there's some Windows
> workstations, you'd be fine.  You'd want something else in use if you
> needed to back up Windows servers, however.
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