[NBLUG/talk] Is Wi-Fi worth it?

Daniel Smith linux2002 at daniel.org
Sun Sep 14 13:02:00 PDT 2003

I am a T-Mobile subscriber, but not for WiFi  ...

But I'm getting ahead of myself.  I'll point out two main
ways to stay connected outdoors, aside from the the tethered modem

WiFi - find a free access point (all over in Portland, OR.,
lots in NYC (see nycwireless.net), and scattered about wherever
the locals are a bit ahead of the curve)

   ... or, find a Starbucks or Borders, and figure out how
to hook up on a pay-as-you-go basis.  There's also Sip N Surf
and some other WISPs out there.  Being a T-Mobile customer,
I could add unlimited WiFi access for ~$20/month, but I
refuse to do so until the WISPs get together and figure out
how to let you roam.  I refuse to be corralled like that :-)

   ... a downside would be: no security!  Every access point
I've come across is wide open, which limits what I am willing
to do during a session.  I've yet to figure out how to
use VPN/tunneling.

Cell Phone - get a cable, IR, or Bluetooth connection
going between your laptop and cell phone.  I'm in the midst
of figuring this out on the Linux side.  With T-Mobile,
you can get unlimited internet access for ~$20/month
(GPRS)  ... so you're connected via the phone and laptop.
Not bad - ATT & Sprint don't offer unlimited.  The speed
isn't great, but you can get on wherever you have GPRS
service (most metro areas) - no tethering to the nearest
Starbucks/Borders.  I've connected via Mac OS X,
so I know that my Bluetooth dongle (D-Link DBT-120) and
phone are doing the right thing.

I'm sure there are some other methods to stay connected
(Ham Radio?), but they're way off the radar of what folks
usually do.  Iridium Satellite Phone, anyone? :-)

I don't work for T-Mobile, but I will say that there are
some fantastic deals right now at Amazon.com, where you
can get a Bluetooth-capable phone for free (after rebates),
and the service has been great so far.  I love the
Nokia 3650.


Daniel L. Smith - Sonoma County, CA - AIM: SonomaDaniel
daniel.org     blog: JavaJoint.com    resume.daniel.org

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