what to do when you've been rooted

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sat Jan 20 20:13:21 PST 2001

begin Bob Blick quotation:
> It's running a redhat 6.2 system straigt off the cd. I know the hole was in
> wu-ftpd, but I need to know which packages I should reinstall to make sure
> I have cleaned out the files typically overwritten by a root kit.

(1) Secure your data files.  (2) Recreate _all_ executables and
configuration files from trusted sources.  All -- and I am not kidding.
(3) Restore your data files.   

> Any links?

Start with http://www.cert.org/nav/recovering.html

After you rebuild, do whatever it takes to (1) lower your security
exposure by removing unneeded software after a careful study of your
system, and (2) stay current on whatever remaining software still poses
security exposures.

By the way, I consider wu-ftpd to have _way_ too many security problems.


> Be warned, everybody, if you have RH 6.2 on a machine, it is a prime
> target.

Not inherently:  Only if badly administered (and sorry about that salt
rubbed into your wound, but it's the truth).

Cheers,     "Because film is the pre-eminent American art form.  You don't hear
Rick Moen   people saying 'You know, this movie would make a really great epic
rick at linuxmafia.com     poem.'"   -- Orson Scott Card, book signing, 7 Jan 2001

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