Article "Why BSD will never be as secure as Linux"

ME dugan at
Sat May 12 22:41:21 PDT 2001

Hello fello list members,

I recently subscribed to the LUGOD mailing lists ("vox" (talk), tech, and

The "talk" mailing list has about 39 posts that are non-linux for every 1
post that is linux related. However, the few (rare?) linux related posts
have been of fairly good quality. (The "non-linux" of the 39 posts have
been about racism at UCD, the nude guy that attended UC Berkeley, and lots
of opinions on the two.) Needless to say, the "talk" list has a high noise
to signal ratio - lots of noise, occasional signal.

A member of their list  ( Eric <unix4eric at> )
posted a good URL to an article with a number of linux security related
items and links.

It is worth reading for linux people that have compiled kernels and even
has information for those that are thinking about compiling a new kernel
or looking to improve system security. 


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