[NBLUG/talk] Open Source Java applet for HTML editing

Todd Cary todd at aristesoftware.com
Mon Sep 8 15:21:00 PDT 2003

Why Java Only?
My main reason is to replace the component I now have which is 
JavaScript, however, I do not have a lot of experience in this arena, so 
I might not have the best approach.

Currently, if you look at , the 
"editor" is transparent.  The user just types in text and can change the 
font, etc., however, my PHP gets the text in HTML format - really nice.  
And all I had to do is replace the <textarea> tag with the JavaScript. tag.

And I saw a Java based product that did the same, but source code was 
not available and my client does not want to get stuck if the author 

Did you try the demo I put together?


Micxz Love (lovedialup.com) wrote:

> "Java based editor."
> Are you asking us for a Java Only app? Not PHP or CGI? Why Java Only?


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