[NBLUG/talk] Hello

Rob Orsini rob at orsini.us
Wed Sep 12 23:37:42 PDT 2007

On Sep 12, 2007, at 10:24 PM, Lincoln Peters wrote:

> On Sep 12, 2007, at 9:25 PM, Rob Orsini wrote:
>> Got it working. Couldn't find a gui equivalent to the session manager
>> thing in Gnome, but that's fine.
> kdm?

No, sorry, I was using the wrong term. Let's call it "Dongleball." In  
Gnome, the Dongleball is where you can go and tell Gnome to fire up  
Gkrellm with --geometry -0+0, among other things. I didn't find the  
Dongleball in KDE, but I did  stumble across a Dorklesplat (the text- 
file equivalent of Dongleball).

Aaaaanyway, I'm digging KDE. I've always liked the degree to which  
you can tweak the theme. My favorite themey thing is the "Solaris"  
looking windows. That goofy pink on the overly boxy windows gives me  
that Christmas even tingle in my gut. Good stuff.

"Switch to KDE," crossed off the list of things-to-do.

(Should I hit "send?" Awe, what the heck!)

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