[NBLUG/talk] Semi-anonymity on facebook

CRF sthgirotpyrc at cryptorights.org
Thu Jan 17 18:40:00 PST 2019

A cryptographer weighing in…

1. There is no such thing as real 'anonymity' on today's Internet. Give that fantasy up. Also, the very phrase "semi-anonymity" is a total oxymoron. "Anonymity" is not feasible in a packet-switched environment with other technical vulnerabilities baked into the network for the advantage of specific entities.

(N.B. There are subsets, such as "persistent pseudonymity", that are doable to some degree, but those require special security architectures that are not applied afterthoughts/bandaids, and very strong cryptographic functions for which only the User holds their own keys, not a corporation.)

2. Facebook is your Enemy/Adversary/Opponent in every sense of the word. If you still have a few braincells left, avoid that company like the Digital Black Plague it is. Be prepared for even worse news about the violations they've perpetrated on the human rights of hundreds of millions of people -- and I'm not just talking about wealthy privileged white Americans, I'm talking about what they're doing to the poor in SE Asia, Africa and South America. Very, very evil company.

Reality, math and facts do matter. That's my $0.02.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.


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